Designing Microservices with Django: An Overview of Tools and Practices Front Cover

Explore microservices using the Python-based Django framework and review the benefits and drawbacks of them. This book will examine what microservices look like, how they talk to each other, and how they are crafted using the Python programming language and the Django web framework.

You’ll start by understanding what the key differences are between microservices and monolithic architectures. The book then does a deep dive into how microservices are built and what common models have emerged in our industry. You’ll also take an extensive look at communication and ownership patterns and examine methodologies to speed up your architecture evolution by writing less but more distributed code using the Python programming language and the Django web framework.

By the end of the book, you’ll have a solid understanding of microservices architectures. Armed with a comprehensive and solid toolset, you can begin working toward systems that are more scalable, resilient, and maintainable.

What You’ll Learn

Understand the benefits and drawbacks of adopting microservices
Design systems and architecture for resiliency and distributed ownership
Work with tools for scaling distributed system both in technical and organizational dimensions
Examine the essentials of the Django web framework

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