Mastering Azure Serverless Computing Front Cover

Become an expert in implementing Azure Functions to work seamlessly with your serverless applications

Key Features
Developing scalable, robust multi-tier applications without worrying about the Infrastructure needs
Learn to deploy and manage cost-effective and highly available serverless applications using Azure functions
Accelerate your Enterprise level application development by seamless integration of different cloud services with Azure functions
Book Description
Application development has evolved from traditional monolithic app development to using serverless options and microservices. The main goal of this book is to teach you to leverage Microsoft's Azure functions to process data, integrate systems, and building simple APIs and microservices.

This book will teach users to leverage serverless computing to speed-up deployment and reduce downtime. Topics covered in this book will revolve around Azure functions and its core functionalities and how users can effectively implement DevOps and automation into their working environment. Towards the end, this book will also cover some quick tips and troubleshooting techniques to making the most of serverless computing.

What you will learn
How to create, build and deploy advanced Azure Functions
How to extend Azure Functions runtime
How to orchestrate your logic through code or a visual workflow
How to add caching, security, routing and filtering to your API
When to use Serverless technologies in real scenarios
Who This Book Is For
This book is targeted to cloud administrator, architect, or developer interested in building scalable systems and deploying serverless applications with Azure functions. Prior understanding of core Microsoft Azure services and Azure functions will be necessary.


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