Hands-On Docker for Microservices with Python Front Cover

Your guide to building Microservices with Docker using Python simplified with this comprehensive guide.

Key Features
Learn to migrate from an existing monolithic system to a microservice one and scale the development of application
Learn to monitor the full system, to ensure early detection of problems and quickly resolving them
Deploy, run and scale several services using Docker and Kubernetes
Book Description
Microservices architecture helps create complex system that can be maintained by independent teams working in parallel to handle big systems with multiple, interconnected services.

You'll learn how to structure big systems, encapsulate each one using Docker, and deploy and coordinate them using Kubernetes. Filled with examples and templates, the book explains how to, starting from each individual service, grow them into complex systems that can be maintained by several teams working in parallel. The book will cover how to move a system from an old-stack, monolithic application, to a microservice stack.

By the end of this book, you'll know how to design, deploy and operate a complex system with multiple microservices working in cooperation.

What you will learn
Understand how to design, test and operate an individual REST service.
Coordinate and deploy several services using Kubernetes.
Discover how to manage independent deployments through GitHub, TravisCI and flux.
Understand how to monitor the full system to ensure early detection of problems.
Explore how to migrate from an existing monolithic system to a microservice one.
Who This Book Is For
This book is for developers or software architects that work with complex systems and want to be able to scale the development of the system, from a practical, hands-on approach.

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