Dynamical Systems and Random Processes Front Cover

The first Carolina Dynamics Symposium, originally called the Carolina Dynamics Seminar, was held at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on April 12, 2003 and organized by Douglas Shafer of UNC Charlotte. What started as an informal gathering of mathematicians interested in dynamical systems continued at the College of Charleston in 2004, then moved to Chapel Hill in 2005. The meetings were so beneficial to the participants’ research that the group has met every year since, each time including new Ph.D.’s and a broader range of fields relating to dynamics as well. We have added at least one talk aimed at undergraduates at each meeting as well and, with the addition of NSF support, have been able to bring in speakers from farther away.

In the intervening years the symposium has also been hosted by Clemson, Meredith, Davidson, UNC Asheville, Furman, and Agnes Scott, with many of the venues hosting repeat conferences. Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, and Tennessee send participants too, so despite its name, the participants reflect the richness of the field of dynamics throughout the southeastern U.S.

The articles contained in this volume are by the participants of the most recent meeting at Agnes Scott College, the 16th Carolina Dynamics Symposium and the second one held at Agnes Scott. Also included are a few papers from some collaborators who have been involved with Carolina Dynamics in some capacity for many years. The papers cover a wide swath of topics in dynamics and randomness and reflect a sampling of the breadth of the field. The editors are grateful for NSF Grant DMS-1600746, which supported many of the authors who participated in the event at Agnes Scott.

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